A collection of news clips, publications, and blog posts adjacent to my professional and academic work.

:page_with_curl: Peer-reviewed Articles

From the abstract: “[W]e develop a spatially explicit database of global oil and gas infrastructure, focusing on the acquisition, curation, and integration of public-domain geospatial datasets reported by official government sources, industry, academic, and other non-government entities.”

The statistical findings from this paper were cited in a subsection of UN OCHA’s Global Humanitarian Overview 2020 (find us on page 17!). Yale School of Environment covered the study above on their blog and on Twitter. RedR UK mentioned us in a blog post on HNPW 2020, as well.

:bar_chart: Conference Proceedings

:satellite: MethaneSAT

There’s been lots of great news coverage on the MethaneSAT project, but here are a select few:

:microphone: Peabody Science Cafe

I moderated and helped produce panels and talks for the Yale Peabody Museum as a graduate student. When the Museum took its events online during the COVID-19 pandemic, I had the opportunity to moderate some of these talks virtually.

:pencil2: Other

(last updated February 4, 2023)